Welcome to Year 4
In Year 4 we support each other at all times. We recognise that we are all different and that differences are good, therefore we respect and celebrate our differences in all we do. This support is carried through in our daily learning, where we work together to ensure we all make progress, helping each other along the way.
In our learning we live by the motto, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are right!” by Henry Ford. At the heart of all our learning is the firm belief that we need a growth mindset to progress, because it is by making mistakes that we learn and make progress, so we celebrate success and mistakes in equal measure.
We always aim high and do our best at all times. We take responsibility for our own learning and are resilient and independent learners, developing these qualities to fulfil our hopes and dreams for the future, knowing that the sky is the limit for all we hope to achieve!